

STUDY ON AVIPATTIKAR CHURNA AND KAPARDIKA BHASMA IN THE MANAGEMENT OF HYPERACIDITY (AMLAPITTA) 1Mangal Anil,Jadhav A.D., 2Reddy R. G. 1Research Officer (Ay.)S-2, Department of Clinical Research, National Research institute for Ayurveda HRD and Hospital, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. 2Research Officer(Ay.)S-3, Ayurveda Cancer Research Institute, formerly R A Podar Central Research Institute for Ayurveda, Worli, Mumbai. ABSTRACT : Hyperacidity (Amlapitta) simply means increase acid secretion in the stomach. Burning sensation in upper abdomen, burning sensation in chest, acid eructation, water brash, vomiting, nausea, vertigo, flatulence, constipation, and tenderness in upper abdomen are symptoms of this disease. To evaluate the efficacy of Avipattikar churna and Kapardika Bhasma a clinical study was conducted at R A Podar Central Research Institute Hospital, Mumbai on 33 patients of Amlapitta. Among 33 cases, 27 cases good responded, 5 fair responded and only one patient poor response. The Ayurvedic intervention was found very effective in the management of Amlapitta(p<0.0001). No any adverse effects were observed during and after the treatment. Key words: Amlapitta, Hyperacidity, Ayurvedic medicine, Avipattikar powder, Kaparadika Bhasma. INTRODUCTION :Hyperacidity or acid dyspepsia (Amlapitta) is a very common disorder which affects almost 30% people in India as well as European countries each year. Hyperacidity could be described as a disorder of the modern and urban cities, where the eating habits of people are quite irregular. Hyperacidity (Amlapitta)simply means increase of acidity in the stomach. Normally Hydrochloric acid (HCl) secrets in the stomach of human body for the digestion of food, while it secretion has excess amount the condition is called as hyperacidity or acid dyspepsia1. Excessive intake of oily, spicy and salty foods; excessive intake of sour foods that contain high acid content, inadequate exercise; go to bed immediately after a heavy meal, too much mental stress and worries; consumption of alcohol, smoking and drug addiction and too much intake of therapeutic allopathic medicines are triggers of hyperacidity (Amlapitta). There is a mention of Amlapitta since the samhita period. Kulattha (Dolichus biflorus), lavana rasa, viruddha ahara etc. are described as the causative factors for Amlapitta2. Sushruta samhita describes condition of Amlika similar to Amlapitta because of excessive intake of Lavana rasa3. Kashyapa samhita is the first available text which explained Amlapitta as separate entity4. Madhava nidana described two types of Amlapitta namely, Urddhvaga and Adhoga5Chakradutta,6 Bhavaprakasa7, Yogratnakara8 etc. also described of this diseases with treatment modalities. The burning sensation in upper abdomen/chest, acid eructation, water brash, nausea, vomiting, vertigo and flatulence characterize it 9. The treatment of this disease in allopathic medicine depends upon mainly on antacids and tranquilizers. The management of the disease in Ayurveda is based on sodhana and samana chikitsa. A number of herbal
[Mangal Anil Study On Avipattikar Churna And Kapardika Bhasma in The Management Of Hyperacidity (Amlapitta)]


and herbomineral drugs are mentioned for its management. The medical management of this disease condition/clinical problem in prevalent system of medicine still requires further improvement. Therefore, it is considered worth while to assess clinical efficacy of classical Ayurvedic preparation like Avipattikar churna and Kapardika bhasma due to their antacid properties (Amlapittashamak) described in literature. A clinical study was conducted at central research institute for Ayurveda, poddar hospital campus, Mumbai to evaluate the efficacy of the drug. The aims and objectives are to assess the efficacy of classical Ayurvedic formulations on Amlapitta (hyperacidity) and to establish an integrated approach of Ayurveda. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An open, non comparative randomized clinical study was conducted at OPD level of R A poddar Central Research Institute for Ayurveda, Mumbai during the period of 2006 to 2008, The study protocol, case record forms (CRFs), regulatory clearance documents, product related information and informed consent form were submitted to the Institutional ethics committee (IEC) and were approved by the same. Criteria for the selection
A. Inclusion criteria: a) Subjects between the age group of 20-60 yrs of both sexes. b) Who have clinical sign and symptoms of Hyperacidity(Amlapitta) like Burning sensation in upper abdomen, burning sensation in chest, acid eructation, water brash, nausea, vomiting, vertigo were selected for this study. B. Exclusion criteria: a) Below 20 and above 60 yrs of age. b) Colic pain in abdomen pertaining to any organic lesion. c) Malignancy in any part of body, chronic hypertrophy gastritis, patient suffering from any chronic systemic di